Copyrights and your submission to ECRISTONLIVRE
At ECRISTONLIVRE we respect the rights of all artists and creators throughout the world. We therefore expect our members to show the same respect to their peers to help us create a positive and beneficial atmosphere to all visitors and members of ECRISTONLIVRE.
Nearly everything on this site, the Web, on television, on CD, on DVD, in books and magazines is probably under copyright by somebody.
In this document, we will try to eliminate confusion and counter the many myths surrounding copyrights. Above all, it is important to understand that this is provided for informational purposes only and is intended to be used as a guide. The availability of this document should not be construed legally speaking or even less as professional advice. This document is not a substitute for legal advice. If you need legal advice, you should seek the services of a qualified attorney.
What is a copyright violation?
To simplify the matter, copyright infringement occurs when you do certain things with a creative work that is produced by someone other than yourself without first obtaining the proper authorization.
Some examples of copyright violations:
How can I avoid infringe on the copyright of somebody?
The best way to avoid infringing on the rights of another creative person is to use your skills, your talent and imagination to create your own work.
It is also essential to ensure that all parts of your work, both visual and audio, are your own original creations. If you used materials that are held by other persons or companies, it is important to ensure that you have obtained the appropriate permission or right to use it before putting your work online.
What types of things are under copyright?
The easy answer to this question is that any creative work that you might find should be considered copyright by default.
An artistic Work is not necessarily required to have a copyright statement printed on or close to be considered copyrighted. Do not assume that work is not protected if you do not see a written notice. Also, do not confuse the fact that a work is publicly available with the idea that it is public domain or copyright free. Being easily found on the internet does not affect the status of a copyrighted work.
Some warnings
What if you want to submit infringed work on ECRISTONLIVRE?
When we realize that a work infringes on the copyrights of another artist, a person or a creative society, we will immediately remove it. This is a legal requirement that we must fulfill immediately, you will not receive advance warning and you will not have the opportunity to "fix" this violation.
If you believe a submission on ECRISTONLIVRE infringes your copyright, you can either report it using our internal system or you can send us a copyright by email. A staff member will review your review to resolve the situation.
If you think one of your submissions was removed in error, please contact our technical support. A staff member will be available to rectify the situation. If you are convicted of several violations, the contents of your account will be suspended and serious offenders will have their account banned and deactivated.
The violation of copyright notification
This section includes the requirements of the Copyright Act in respect to copyright holders whose content appears on ECRISTONLIVRE without permission. To file a notification of copyright infringement on ECRISTONLIVRE, the copyright owner or agent acting on their behalf will need to send a written notice that includes the following information:
If you want to send an adverse notification to ECRISTONLIVRE, please contact us for assistance and instructions.